keyword research for newbies

Keyword Research for Newbies

What is Keywords

Keyword is any word which you type in google for search, e.g "Android phone tips and tricks", but in online field we focus on keywords which has

High search volume,

High CPC (Cost per click)

and low competition and

What is keywords Research

Whenever you start on website project, First thing which comes to your mind is purpose of your website. How you want to earn from this website, there are many ways to earn online through website, that may be:
1. Goolge Adsense or any other contextual ads network
2. Promoting Affiliate Marketing/CPA products for commission.
3. Promoting your own brand/Product
4. Selling Advertisement space
5. Selling Guest Posts/Backlinks

keyword research for newbies - passiveincomearena

For all the above mentioned purposes, Keyword research is the main thing.
If your work on keyword which have very low search volume, you might get no visitor to your website.
If your work on keyword which have very low competition , you might no get Adsense ads.

Free Keyword Research websites
google keyword planner

Free Keyword Research Chrome Extension

There are many keyword finding extension, two of the most popular are
1. SEOquake
2. Keyword Everywhere (now paid)

Install both of above mentioned extensions and go to and search for your chosen topic of interest, on which you want to write article as shown in screen shot.

you can check some free searches on  when create a account on there website.

Indexed Posts Checking

Go to google chrome and type in search bar
you will find result with all indexed posts.

If you wand to search particular words in a particle website you can search directly from google instead of going to that website and search in search bar.
Here is the trick. Keyword research for newbies

This above search query will only find within particular websites and in indexed posts.

Searching specific phrase 

Spefic phrase or long tail keyword can also be searched directly from google by typing.
"Keyword research for newbies"

The above method will only work, if your particular post is indexed in goolge.

Free Backlink Checker

Here is and amazing free tool through which you can check domain authority and backlinks of any website free of cost.

Keyword Golden Ratio

According to this rule if your KGR is less than 0.25, You can rank in 50 results as soon as your post is indexed.

KGR can be calculated as per following formula:

KGR = (# of allintitle results) / (search volume)

KGR = 22 / 90 = 0.24

Now you can work on keyword as per following:

< 0.25    Great
0.25 - 1.00    Might Work
>1.00     Bad

Finding AllinTitle result

You can find all in title result by searching in google like this.
allintitle:oral b vs sonicare receding gums
This will show the number of result, that should be up to 60.

Finding Keyword Search Volume

Free tools for keyword Search Volume

You can find search volume of any keyword by free chrome extension "Keyword every where"
Keyword Surfer (Google Chrome Extension)

Search volume of keyword near to 100 is easy to rank.
More search volume require more time to rank.
Always you can rank long tail keywords first than gradually you rank short keywords.

Rules to Consider in KGR Technique

1. Search Volume of the keyword your are searching, should be less then 250 searches per month.
2. Allintitle number result should also be less than 60, for this technique to work.

DrawBacks in KGR Technique

You have keep in mind search intend while finalizing any keyword, google show results with search intend e.g if you search for children products, it will automatically shows you result of kids in title.
if you search Bar B Que it will show to you BBQ results.

You have to consider Quality of article of the website which is already ranking on that keyword.
The website you are competing if they have
Authority DA, PA
you can not outrank immediately with this technique.

Domain name for KGR for Affiliate Marketing website

Brand name domain is more useful for this technique,
You website will become giant in low competition keyword gradually.

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